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The National Village Museum (Muzeul Satului)
Bucharest (Bucureşti)
2001, 2005
The National Village Museum (Muzeul Satului) in Bucharest was founded in 1936 as an open-air museum, the third such museum in Europe at the time. Its design owes much to sociologist Dimitrie Gusti, who between 1925 and 1935 managed to put together a team of specialists who roamed much of the country in order to document village life in Romania. Their fieldwork produced invaluable research as well as a wealth of photographs, now in the process of being digitized. The same teams of specialists also acquired the objects on display at the Village Museum.
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(Romania: What's Happening, Romania: Where to Go, and Recipes with Pics)

More Pictures and Videos of Romania

Tatiana Murzin-Benconvski's Pictures and Postcards
Tatiana Murzin-Bencovski has posted her photos of Romania and is also hosting the work of several Romanian photographers. Her collection is one of the most beautiful, comprehensive and extensive on the Web. Added: January 30, 2006. Last updated: January 21, 2010.

Bucharest (Romanian: Bucureşti)

Discover Bucharest, Romania
An 11 min 34 sec movie clip about the capital of Romania, produced by TVR for the Romanian Tourist Office. The camera moves from one famous building to the next, taking you on a quick tour of museums, inns and cafes, churches, and hotels. You can armchair visit the National History Museum, the National Art Museum, as well as get a sense of some of the architectural styles you will see in this city. Added: February 14, 2006.

A Tour of Bucharest Architecture with Razvan Lerescu - on
Includes information on the buildings and their surroundings. Forty photos taken in September 2001. Added: October 4, 2005. Updated: January 25, 2010.

More sites with photos and videos of Romania

Romania Revisited:
On the Trail of English Travellers,

By Alan Ogden (Photographer).
Center for Romanian Studies, 2000.

Copyright © 2001-2010 Raluca Preotu. All rights reserved.