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Sibiu, the Old Town
Sibiu, the Old Town
In Sibiu the old town developed around three historic squares: Piata Mare (Large Square), Piata Mica (Small Square), and Piata Huet, named after Albert Huet, Governor of Transylvania between 1577 and 1607.

In Piata Huet one can visit the Evangelical Cathedral, a Gothic church begun before 1371 and finished in 1520. It has the largest collection of funerary stones in Romania -- moved in 1853 from the nave into the "ferula". One of them marks the tomb of Mihnea the Bad, son of Vlad the Impaler (Dracula). Mihnea was stabbed to death outside the church in 1510 after attending Mass. For centuries the church served as burial ground for some of its most outstanding members of the community. Although the custom was dropped in 1796, Governor von Brukenthal was buried there upon his death.

On the north wall of the choir there is a fresco of the Crucifixion (1445) by Johannes von Rosenau. Also interesting is a painting from 1512 in the transept, modified in 1545 after the Reformation to exclude the figure of Virgin Mary; her hands around the cross remain though, as the painter was not to paint over the cross itself.
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List of All Slide Shows
(Romania: What's Happening, Romania: Where to Go, and Recipes with Pics)

More Pictures of Romania

Gert's Trip to Romania
Some 200 good photos of Timisoara, Oradea, Stina de Vale, Bear's Cave, Sibiu, Simbata, Brasov, Bran Castle, Peles Castle, Moldavian Monasteries, Sapinta, and more. Be aware though that (as of April 17, 2002) the thumbnails are not working -- but go ahead and click on the links under the thumbnails.

Tania Murzin's Pictures and Postcards
Tania Murzin has posted her photos of Romania and is also hosting the work of several Romanian photographers. Added: January 30, 2006.

Art of the Fresco: Romania's Painted Monasteries
Read about the 16th century monasteries of southern Bucovina, in northern Moldavia, seven of which are UNESCO World Heritage sites. The site also contains tens of pictures of the five major painted churches of Voronet, Moldovita, Sucevita, Humor and Arbore. Added: October 4, 2005.

Romanian Images -- from Romanian Voice
One page with thumbnails of over 125 pictures of Romania. You might have to be patient with the loading.

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