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Socată (Elderflower Cordial)

1. Socată with caramelized sugar and vinegar
5 liters water
3 large umbels
500g sugar
2 lemons, sliced
75g vinegar

2. Plain socata
5 liters water
2 large umbels
500g sugar
juice of four lemons and rind of two lemons
(a variant of this recipe also adds 5 grams of yeast)

The two kinds of socata. The second one was flat when I strained it. After a few days in the refrigerator in tightly-closed plastic bottles, carbon dioxide started to build up.

Remember I have covered the jar with gauze. Other people I have talked to simply covered it with a medium-sized dish. They stored it for everything between a few days and ten days, and obtained a carbonated drink from the start.

One disadvantage of using gauze is that the flowers on top may catch mold, so be aware of that as well when making a choice.

I have strained it using gauze. You may want to use muslin.

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To learn more about things Romanian, try the excellent Berlitz Romanian Phrase Book & Dictionary.

Concise yet comprehensive, the Berlitz Romanian Phrase Book & Dictionary introduces you to meal times, types of eating places, ordering, and goes on to translate and describe traditional breakfast dishes, cold and hot starters, soups and stews, fish and meat dishes, meat specialties, game and poultry dishes, potato and polenta specialties, rice and pasta, common sauces, vegetables and salads, herbs and spices, cheese types, fruits and nuts, and, finally, desserts, drinks, and even snacks. I was surprised to find this book also mentions the drink called socata, be it with a slight error. I have spotted only two errors in this book (socada instead of socata, and smeura instead of zmeura), so rest assured: the book is well researched and reliable!

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